Ways to beat boredom this summer
Parents! That time of the year is here! When the Sun will slurp every bit of your energy outside, and your little monsters will exasperate you back home. Yes, summer and vacation are here to completely drain you. But fear not, we’ve got your back. Here are some parenting tips to keep your kids occupied during summer vacations.
Story-telling with grandparents
Vacations are incomplete without grandma’s stories and grandpa’s advice. Deepen this bond by insisting your kids to engage and interact with them more. To make it fun, add some dramatic twists like asking the kids to act out a story for them or, share the stories kids have read with the grandparents.
Helping in home-chores
Yes, they will make faces, feel tired, yawn and do their best to avoid helping mums with the chores in the kitchen. But make them do it anyway! As per life skills education, children learn some important life skills like detailing, quantifying, organized living and more in the kitchen. So mummies, get set with your list and teach your kids some kitchen skills.
Fun get-togethers at home
Create a hideout at home by inviting your kids’ friends over for a get-together. Ask your kid to help you in making them lime juices and home-made snacks. Play a happy movie or a challenge game that will build their interpersonal skills. A word of caution – let them not get involved in their phones, it spoils the mood
Visiting different places
Spend your weekends or evenings by taking children out for a visit to a garden, beach or libraries. This exposes them to various kinds of entertainments. Also, through the jungle gym, reading or creating sand castles, they are less dependent on gadgets for happiness. And these together form an important part of happy child behaviour.
Ice-cream anyone?
The yummiest way to beat the heat during vacations is having an ice-cream with family. Dads, here’s an exciting way to spend your time with the little one. Go ahead, take that walk to buy ice-creams have a one on one with your kid. Have silly conversations, crack jokes, and make the most of this time. These are often the best times that nurture your child’s emotional well-being.
Play games and puzzles
Fight-Argue-Win-Lose—a part of every game, isn’t it? While we work-up some brain nerves, these puzzles and games time, teach our children invaluable life lessons of taking wins and losses in their stride and give their best shot instead of giving up, till the end of the game. And the safest place to learn this is home.
So let’s make summer vacations joyful by applying such simple, playful and fun ways to be together and learn life lessons. After all, what are life skills without fun and play?